Mirka Crew
Business Name: Equine Foundations LLC
Type Service: Instructor, Trainer, Clinician, Clinics, Private Lessons
Location: 7639 Buddy Hardy Rd , Milton, FL
Phone: 850 529 0869
Email: mirkacrew@gmail.com
Years Equine Experience: 24+
Can Work with Rider Level: Beginner to Level 3 WD
Lesson Horses Available: No
Trainer has Western Dressage Demo Horse? / WDAA Perfomance Level: Level 2
Will travel to work with clients / If so, how far?: 25 miles
WDAA Member: No | WDAFL Member: No | WDAA TTT Graduate: no
Business Description
Mirka specializes in starting young horses under saddle and in developing a solid foundation in a horse to perform in Stock Horse (reining, cow work, trail, ranch riding), Western Dressage, and Liberty Performance, using the principles of natural horsemanship. She offers a lesson and clinics program to riders of many levels at her farm, as well as out of state.
Description of Services Offered
Lessons, Clinics, Training, Internship
Services, Credentials, Certificates, and Professional Memberships
Mirka is an official PNH (Parelli Natural Horsemanship) Level 4 graduate 2007 Winner of the Buckskin World Show in Working Cowhorse and Reserve in Reining 2008-2012 Placed top 5 at NRHA shows 2009 Awarded a Level 6 ribbon by Pat Parelli at the Parelli Lakeland Celebration 2011 Achieved a Level 4 ribbon for her spotlight with Sarah 2012 Trained a 5 year old mustang from the wild, Second Chance, and competed at the SEMM 2012 placing 10th in the reining class 2013 Trained a 5 year old mustang mare from the wild, Legacy, and competed at the Mustang Million, placing 25th overall out of 191 competitors. 2014 Competed at the first American Horsewoman’s Challenge, placing 13th overall, Top 5 in Cowboy Dressage and Top 10 at Liberty, with a mustang from the wild Gemma. 2016 Trained a 6 year old mustang gelding from the wild, Zen, for the Gonzales, LA Extreme Mustang Makeover, placing 5th. 2017 Trained a 6 year old mustang from the wild, Nike, for the top trainers invitation only national competition Mustang Magic 2017, placing 4th. 2014-2017 Has shown Western Dressage scoring on average 65%-73% up to Level 2.
Western and/or Traditional Dressage Accomplishments
2014-2017 Has shown Western Dressage scoring on average 65%-73% up to Level 2
Additional dicsciplines
Reining, cow work, ranch riding, trail, liberty