WDAFL will be awarding educational grants to its current members for assistance to attend a lesson or a clinic. Educational grants will be awarded 1/month. A recipient may only receive a grant once/year. Funds for these grants come from the WDAFL profits. The awarded grants will be between $50 to $100. We have also instituted three (3) Annual Show attendance grants, one in each category of open/professional, amateur and youth. These are $250 grants for first time Annual Show participants.

The grant application is online (here). Clinic/ lesson grant requests may be filed monthly. Annual Show Grants need to be filed by November 30th.

WDAFL Grant Program Application

Grant applying for:(Required)
Would you be able to attend the Annual Show or Clinic/Lesson without this assistance?
A condition of receiving this grant is that you write up your experience and what you learned within 30 days of the event to be published on the Website and WDAFL Newsletter.(Required)

Annual Show Grant only – Please send a letter of endorsement/recommendation from a non-family member to President@WDAFL.org.

Notification of grant approval and amount will be prior to Lesson/Clinic/Annual Show. Lesson & Clinic Grant funds will be reimbursed upon completion to the instructor/clinician. Annual Show grant funds will be credited towards Annual show costs,  please include your approval letter with your entry forms.