The Western Dressage Association of Florida Virtual/Online High Point Competition

2025 WDAFL Online Shows

WDAFL has created a new High Point Program just for our Online/Virtual shows.

All shows are WDAA recognized and eligible for the WDAFL Virtual Year End High Point Program

2025 Virtual Show High Point Rules

The following rules pertain only to our WDAFL virtual/online horse shows. No WDAFL recognized live shows are accepted for this program. WDAFL offers a WDAFL Live Show High Point Program.



A.1. All WDAFL recognized virtual shows are open to current WDAFL members and non-members. WDAFL members must also be current WDAA members.
A.2. Competitors must adhere to WDAA Virtual Show rules, WDAFL Virtual Show Rules, and Show Management rules. In case of conflict in those rules, Show Management will bring the conflict to the attention of the WDAFL Board.
A.3. Results will be posted on the hosted platform after the judging period is complete. See each individual prize list. Copies of the completed test sheets will be e-mailed to the competitor. (*Subject to change by Show Management.)
A.4. Per Show Awards: WDAFL Virtual Shows will have three per-show High point awards: Highest scoring Junior, Amateur, Open, and Exceptional rider. In case of a tie for any per-show High Point award, tie will be broken by the competitor who has the highesttotal collective marks. (Subject to change by Show Management.)
A.5. WDAFL Virtual Show scores count toward the year-end WDAFL Virtual High Point Awards program. WDAFL Virtual show scores do not count toward the WDAFL Live High Point year-end program. A.6. All virtual shows are WDAA Recognized and qualifiers for WDAA members for the WDAA World Show and WDAA Lifetime Points program (Subject to WDAA rules and changes; Subject to change by Show Management).
A.7. Show Management reserves the right to change officials, combine or cancel classes, modify the schedule or make any other changes to the show. Show Management reserves the right to refuse or require withdrawal of an entry for cause.



B.1. One horse/one rider combination: Riders may compete with multiple horses, but each horse/rider combination accumulates points separately.
B.2. Horse/Rider combination must ride in a minimum of three WDAFL Virtual shows over the course of the Virtual High Point year. (Recognized shows are listed under “Virtual High Point Shows” on the WDAFL website.)
B.3. Horse/Rider combination must ride at least six classes under 3 different judges from WDAFL Virtual shows to qualify for awards. One test must be from the highest test of the level.
B.4. Recognized show entries which are either “scratched” or “disqualified” do not count toward the three shows/six classes rules.
B.5. Top six percentage scores will be averaged to calculate the high score in each level; lower scores will be discarded (maximum two consecutive levels). Scores must come from a combination of 3 different judges.
B.6. In case of a tie, the horse/rider with the highest single test score is the winner; if the highest test scores are the same, the next highest test scores will be considered until the tie is broken
B.7. Scores will be applied in Introductory, Basic, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4,Level 5, and Exceptional Rider. No other specialty classes, such as WD Equitation, WD Suitability, WD Hack, will be counted.
B.8. Year-End Official Standings: Standings are official as of December 1 following the High Point competition year.


C.1. WDAFL Virtual High Point program is open to all participants who are both WDAA and WDAFL members in good standing.
C.2. Competitors must be WDAFL Members at the time the final results for the WDAFL Virtual High Point Show they competed in are posted on SpotlightHorseShows in order to qualify for year-end Virtual High Point Awards.
C.3. WDAFL Divisions are Open, Amateur, Junior, and Exceptional.
C.4. Junior age will be considered as the rider’s age on January 1 of the competition year, and will be considered that age throughout the competition year. (Note: This applies to WDAFL Divisions. Individual show rules may be different.)
C.5. Horse/rider combination may only compete in one division (Amateur, Open, Junior, Exceptional). Riders changing divisions during the Virtual High Point year will forfeit any scores accumulated up to the time of division change.
C.6. Professional riders showing others’ horses: the owner of the horse being shown, as well as the rider, must be a current member in good standing of both the WDAFL and WDAA at the time of entering the virtual show.
C.7. Horse/Rider combination may qualify for Level awards in a maximum of two consecutive Levels (for example, Introductory and Basic, Level 1 and Level 2, but not Basic and Level 2)
C.8. Exceptional Rider may not qualify for other level awards.


D.1. Overall high point awarded in each level; by level/division designation. Exceptional Rider tests awarded by Exceptional Rider level only. Any 1st place level award with less than 3 riders may receive a lesser award at the discretion of the WDAFL Board.
D.2. All year-end Awards will be presented at the WDAFL Annual Meeting.
D.3. Horse and rider combination can only win High Point Grand Champion a maximum of two times at any single level.


E.1. WDAFL Recognized Virtual shows are listed on the WDAFL Virtual High Point shows schedule.
E.2. No Live WDAFL recognized shows will be accepted for the WDAFL Virtual High Point program.
E.3. No more than two scores per level will be accepted from one show. If more than two are submitted, the lowest scores will be discarded.


F.1. Scores from WDAFL Virtual shows are automatically recorded in the Virtual Shows High Point standings. Competitors are not required to submit tests from WDAFL recognized Virtual shows.
F.2. Year-End Audit: WDAFL will perform a scores audit at its discretion which will be completed by December 1 of the competition year.


G.1. WDAFL and/or Hosted Show Management has the right to add or cancel a recognized virtual show.
G.2. WDAFL reserves the right to change these rules at any time at its discretion.